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o How will I design, install, test, commission, control, tune, optimize, maintain, operate, improve, generate, procure and supply cooling towers to global built environment, 10 billion homes in 195 co

Nov 1, 2024

62 min read




Ashok A Khedkar Business Update – 1-11-2024

Works Undertaken: Earth – HVAC- BMS – Cooling Towers – Heat Rejection

Engagement: 28-9-1983

Completion: 2023-2024

Solution Engineer: Ashok A Khedkar

Solutions Offered To: Every Grain of Earth

o   How will I design, install, test, commission, control, tune, optimize, maintain, operate, improve, generate, procure and supply cooling towers to global built environment, 10 billion homes in 195 countries and 8 continents on my beloved earth?

o   How will I design, install, test, commission, control, tune, optimize, maintain, operate, improve, generate, procure and supply cooling towers to animate and inanimate on my beloved earth?

o   How to design, install, test, commission, control, tune, optimize, maintain, operate, improve, generate, procure and supply cooling towers to global built environment, 10 billion homes in 195 countries and 8 continents on my beloved earth?


A cooling tower works by taking unwanted heat from the water and releasing it into the atmosphere. It brings cool air and warm water into contact to efficiently cool the water and reject the heat through evaporation. Cooling towers are among the most cost-effective cooling water systems available


Inefficient chilled water plant controls are often associated with poor cooling tower performance and investments here can greatly improve overall HVAC efficiency. optimize cooling towers by continuously adjusting cooling equipment operation and key setpoints based on such parameters as occupancy level and outdoor temperature to maximize the system efficiency in real‐time.

  • Condenser Water Temperature Optimization: Determines the equipment operating parameters that will produce the optimal condenser water temperature that will minimize total power consumed by the chiller and cooling towers.  This algorithm balances auxiliary equipment power with chiller power to operate the chillers most efficiently based on ambient conditions and load.


Cooling Tower Overview :

Cooling towers are used for the rejection of heat from water cooled chillers. Cooling towers draw heat rejection water (referred to as condenser water) from the chiller and this water is sprayed as droplets through a stream of outside air drawn by a fan, thereby evaporating a small proportion of the condenser water and cooling the remainder in the process. The ambient air drawn through the cooling tower increases in humidity and temperature and is discharged to the outside atmosphere. A chiller is more efficient (performs with a higher COP) when it uses a cooling tower for heat rejection, rather than an air-cooled condenser because the condensing temperature of the chiller can be lower because of evaporation of water. Water cooled chillers also last longer than air cooled chillers. A cooling tower can reduce the condenser water temperature down to typically 4–5DegC above the prevailing ambient wet bulb temperature.

Systems that use cooling towers suffer the penalty of costs for water consumption and water treatment to minimise risks from Legionella. Due to the costs associated with water treatment, the use of cooling towers is not cost effective for small chillers, typically below 600–800kW capacity, unless they are part of a larger multi-chiller installation. The presence of a cooling tower in a building can significantly lower the energy consumption for air conditioning but significantly increase the water consumption. Where installed, cooling towers typically account for 30–40% of the total water consumption of a building. A recent development is the use of adiabatic type coolers which only consume water for evaporative cooling during conditions of high ambient temperature. Adiabatic coolers operate using the cooling effect from the evaporation of water to pre-cool ambient air that is passed across heat exchangers. When used in suitable (dry) geographic regions, these have the potential to deliver energy efficiency and low water consumption, without the associated water treatment costs for the prevention of Legionella. An adiabatic cooler has a smaller water content than a cooling tower, therefore, it is not classed as requiring mandatory water treatment. Water is lost from a cooling tower mainly due to evaporation, which is necessary for the tower to function. Water is also lost through ‘drift and splash’ which is the inevitable loss of water droplets to the air stream and the surrounding area. A cooling tower also loses water through ‘bleed’ which is the intentional discharge of water to reduce the concentration of solids (minerals and organic matter) in the water.

Bleed is typically controlled by an automatic system which senses ‘Total Dissolved Solids’ (TDS) in the water within the cooling tower. The ratio between the TDS in the cooling tower in the mains water supply is referred to as the ‘cycle of concentration’. In a well-maintained tower, the ratio of water consumption is as : Evaporation (88%): Drift and Splash (7%): Bleed: (5%). Total dissolved solids (TDS) sensors, independent from the TDS control sensor with alarms set to register if TDS value is too high – typically 1,500ppm max (which indicates insufficient bleed – risk of corrosion and/or fouling the heat exchangers) or too low – typically below 1,000ppm (which indicates water wastage). Seek the advice of a water treatment specialist for site specific advice.

Cooling Tower HVAC Design, BMS design, Control and Maintenance :

  • Cooling towers use energy at the tower fans. The use of high efficiency fans and motors together with VSDs will reduce energy consumption. It is important to use control strategies that optimize the energy consumption of cooling towers and the chillers they serve, rather than considering the cooling tower only.

  • Where a cooling tower bypass valve is installed, there must be no conflict of controls between the valve being open and the fans being operated. Ensure that there is at least a 2DegC differential between the valve closing and the cooling tower fans operating.

  • The strategy for staging cooling towers and their fans must be optimized. Best efficiencies will be gained when all available cooling towers are operated in parallel, rather than running the lead cooling tower to maximum and staging the remainder. To obtain the best efficiency, fans should be speed controlled through VSDs, rather than being switched on/off or two speed operation. As the demand for heat rejection increases from the chillers, initially each fan should be operated at the minimum permissible speed. Once all fans have been enabled, they should be modulated in unison.

  • Control algorithms must be programmed to minimise fan power consumed, to deliver the desired condenser water temperature to the chiller. Often, the set point for control of cooling tower fans is below the prevailing ambient wet bulb temperature and this wastes energy because the fans are being driven to operate at 100%, attempting to deliver the impossible. This energy wastage can be minimized by controlling the cooling tower fans to deliver condensing water temperatures which track the prevailing ambient wet bulb temperature by 3–4DegC, depending on the capability of the tower. The control strategies for optimizing chiller efficiency and cooling tower efficiency must be coordinated, to ensure that the benefits from one don’t negate the other.

  • If a plate heat exchanger (PHE) is installed to protect equipment such as supplementary HVAC units connected to an open circuit cooling tower, ensure that the pressure drop through the PHE is not excessive and that the system is not fouled. If the pressure drop is excessive, typically >30kPa, then consider the addition of more plates to the PHE and re-balancing the water flow rate.

  • Pumping energy can be saved by the installation of two port motorized valves at the supplementary air conditioning units. These valves should shut down water flow to the supplementary units when the refrigerant compressor is not in operation, thereby enabling the Tenants condenser water pump to be slowed down through VSD control. Ideally this measure should be implemented at design stage, or when supplementary HVAC units are replaced. If this measure is being retrofitted, to avoid issues with nuisance tripping of compressors, it is important that systems are specified to incorporate the necessary time delays and control interlocks that ensure adequate water flow through the units when the compressor is in operation. It is important for this issue to be covered in ‘tenancy fit-out guidelines’ to ensure that supplementary HVAC units installed by the Building Occupants incorporate such features that save energy consumption of base building systems.

  • Ensure that there is no overflow of water from the cooling tower basin due to faulty water level controls and the volume of water within the high-level return line draining to the sump when the tower stops operating. Where multiple towers are installed, install a balance pipe to equalize water levels.

  • Water leaks from pipes and faulty valves must be eliminated.

  • Optimize the water bleed rate in accordance with the quality of the mains water, the water treatment regime, and the type of cooling tower.

  • Where automatic TDS controls are installed, they must be calibrated and adjusted correctly. Where such controls do not exist, their installation will be beneficial because excessive water bleed is wasteful and insufficient bleed will lead to corrosion and/or scaling of heat exchangers.

  • Operating cooling towers with cycles of concentration typically below 3–4, indicates water wastage, operating typically above 6–7 produces little gains in water efficiency, with increased risks of corrosion and other water quality problems

  • The type and condition of splash guards and drift eliminators must be checked to ensure that water wastage due to poor design and/or condition of the splash guards and drift eliminators is minimized. Replacement drift eliminators must comply with AS 4180 which limits the drift loss to 0.002% of the maximum design water circulation rate through the cooling tower. Aggressive action from water treatment chemicals and exposure to the sun will degrade these components over time.

  • The cooling tower fill must not be allowed to gather excessive fouling and regular inspection in accordance with AS 3666 should be carried out. Apart from the microbial hazards, excessive fouling on the fill material could also affect the breakdown of water flow and make the cooling tower less efficient.

  • The airflow around cooling towers must not be restricted. Discharge air from cooling towers must not be allowed to re-cycle into the intake. If prevailing winds are affecting the airflow through a cooling tower, it may be necessary to construct a wind barrier

  • It is essential for energy efficiency and water conservation that monitoring of cooling tower performance is carried out, water consumption by installing dedicated water meters, preferably connected to the BMS. Alarms must be set up to register if water is consumed after-hours or exceeds pre-determined quantities.

  • For larger installations, the monitoring of cooling tower fan energy consumption, together with performance indicators such as ambient wet bulb, condenser water flow temperature and VSD speed is essential.

  • Consider the cost benefits of replacing cooling towers with adiabatic type coolers which work well in dry climates. The capital cost of these units will be higher, and they will require a larger footprint and the overall energy efficiency of the chilled water system will be lower. However, life cycle costs could be lower due to reduced water consumption and the elimination of water treatment costs associated with the prevention of Legionella. For certain applications where the risks associated with Legionella must be eliminated, this type of system will give a definite advantage.

  • The use of re-cycled water for cooling towers may be feasible and initially this must be discussed with a water treatment specialist. Using re-cycled rainwater and condensate collected from the drains of HVAC air handling units may be cost effective for saving costs associated with water treatment, because re-cycled water is likely to contain less dissolved solids than mains water.


Cooling towers are designed to increase the surface area of the heat transfer process. Significant amounts of water must regularly pass through the system. The efficiency and longevity of these cooling mechanisms depend on the proper management and reduction of water use. It is crucial to monitor your cooling tower efficiency so my facility can:

  • Save energy

  • Extend the equipment service life

  • Reduce the amount of water being consumed

  • Decrease the number of chemicals needed for water treatment

  • Lower the overall operating costs


Before you can improve the efficiency of your cooling tower, you must become familiar with the type of cooling mechanism you have and how it works. Industrial cooling towers are typically categorized in multiple ways, with many devices falling into more than one category based on:

  • Whether the air passes vertically or horizontally through the system

  • Whether they use mechanical draft or natural convection to direct airflow

  • Where the fans are located and how they take air into the cooling tower


There are three main types of cooling towers defined by how the water or air flows through them. These types include: 

Air cuts across the flowing water with lower airflow resistance, reducing fan horsepower requirements. Crossflow models use a splash fill that facilitates horizontal airflow across the water as it falls from the upper reservoirs to the bottom of the cooling tower. Gravity-fed water decks ensure water is sent to the tower fill and away from the distribution basins. While cost-effective and simple to maintain, the fill is more likely to clog with dirt and debris. Crossflow cooling towers are more vulnerable to freezing than other types.

Counterflow Cooling Towers - The air flows upward against the down-flowing water so the coolest air contacts the coolest water. They provide excellent thermal efficiency and allow air to travel vertically over the splash fill. Because they cannot use gravity-fed decks with upward airflow, counterflow models have pressurized spray nozzles to spread the water across the fill.  Counterflow towers derive their name from the countering action of the air and water entering at opposite ends. They require more energy to push the air upward, leading to a higher risk of operational inefficiencies. However, counterflow cooling towers typically have a smaller footprint despite the extensive surface area. Their design makes heat transfer more efficient.

The hyperbola shape helps direct outside air upward, enhancing the cooling tower efficiency. A chimney stacking technique allows the cooler, outside air to push warmer air further inside the system. When the hot water sprays over the splash fill, it is cooled by the upward-flowing air passing through the cooling tower system.

In addition to classifying mechanisms based on how air passes through them, there are also varieties defined solely on airflow. Cooling towers may either use mechanical pressure or natural convection to direct the flow of air.

Mechanical draft cooling towers use a fan system to push air upward into the unit. The different types of mechanical towers typically fall into one of two categories:

  • Induced draft: The fans are positioned at the top of the air outlet. The force of induction pulls the cool air through the system, so the warm, moist air is discharged at a high velocity. The air exits the discharge outlet at a far enough distance to prevent unwanted air recirculation. Induced draft towers are typically larger than forced draft models.

  • Forced draft: The fans are positioned inside the air intake at the base of the tower. They work by pushing the air directly into the tower rather than pulling it through. The air enters the system with a high velocity but slows through the tower due to friction. Because the air is discharged at a lower velocity, forced draft units may experience unwanted recirculation. Their smaller size makes them ideal for indoor facilities.

Natural draft or passive draft cooling towers use natural convection to move the air upwards without fans. The cool, ambient air flowing organically into the tower has a different density from the discharged warm, moist air. After contact with the hot water, the warmed air becomes less dense and rises naturally. As the cold air falls, these opposing movements create a consistent pattern of air circulation that helps cool the incoming water and reject heat through evaporation.

Once-through cooling towers draw water from a nearby source, circulate it through pipes to absorb the heat and discharge the warmed water back into the environment. These systems consume large volumes of water during the evaporation process, as steam condensers absorb the heat for comfort cooling or process cooling needs. Other types of cooling towers can use significantly less water to achieve a similar capacity.

Facilities must be located in a place with enough water to draw from.


Open loop or open recirculating cooling towers recirculate the same water throughout the process. After gathering heat, the recirculated water returns to the tower, where it is again cooled from direct contact with the atmosphere. In open circuit systems, the heat is removed with evaporation and any water that isn’t lost is continually reused.

Open loop units help reduce the amount of water required to power the system. They typically decrease the cost of chemicals needed for water treatment, too.


Cooling towers are split into two distinct categories — open loop and closed loop systems. Closed loop cooling towers, sometimes known as closed circuit or closed recirculating cooling systems, differ from open circuit units. The reused water circulates through the tower structure itself without direct exposure to the open air.

The rejected heat is transferred to a heat exchanger and circulated through the system in a coil. This way, the water doesn’t evaporate during the process, and makeup is only needed if there is a leak. Meanwhile, proper water chemistry eliminates the risk of contamination in closed circuit towers.

The quality of source water must meet that of the water needed to run your specific system. Different types of cooling towers may require varying water treatments depending on their operation. Areas of the cooling water process that require treatment include:

  • The feed water: The quality of the cooling tower feed water may indicate an abundance of silica or a need for pH stabilization. In this area of the cooling system process, water treatment typically involves technology that can help adjust the pH or remove hardness in the water. Chemicals are introduced at later points of the process, though they may not be enough for the bleed to drain. Proper feed water treatment can minimize the water bleed rate to drain and optimize the tower evaporation cycles.

  • The circulation water: The circulatory water within the tower may require some form of side stream filtration to help retain a healthy balance. Chemical treatments typically occur at this point in the tower cooling process to minimize scale formation and prevent the corrosion of critical equipment. By running some of the circulated water through a side stream filter and introducing proper chemical treatment, the suspended particles and solids are dispersed instead of left to settle on the surface. 

·       The bleed to drain: The blowdown or bleed from the cooling tower may need to be recycled with a post-treatment. Depending on the amount of water required for proper cooling capacity, you can treat the bleed-off for efficient reuse in the tower. The ability to recycle this blowdown is crucial for places where water is scarce. Common treatments include reverse osmosis for filtration or ion exchange for softening. This way, unwanted contaminants are concentrated and removed from the water.

  • All losses in the water supply must be replaced by makeup water. Tracking when and how much water your system loses is essential for water conservation. 

  • The three primary ways water can leave the cooling tower include:

  • Evaporation: The primary method used to transfer unwanted heat from the water into the environment

  • Drift: Water droplets that escape through the top of the cooling tower or from the side in crosswinds

  • Blowdown: Water that’s discharged to remove impurities, sediment and high mineral content from the supply

  • Properly running cooling towers will not experience leaks or overflows in the system. However, this type of water loss is equally important when calculating how much makeup water you require.

  • When improving water efficiency, it is essential to maximize the cycles of concentration. Work with a cooling tower water treatment specialist to utilize the ratio of conductivity of the blowdown water compared to the makeup. This way, you minimize the quantity of blowdown and reduce the demand for makeup water.

  • Improve the efficiency of your chemical use to reduce corrosion and decrease the cost of chemicals used in water treatment. Work with your water treatment specialist to monitor the cooling tower chemistry and minimize the use of chemicals.

How your cooling system works and the environment they function within may present a wide range of operational concerns. Ensure the thermal performance is efficient and reliable by addressing the four primary concerns:

  • Corrosion

  • Scaling

  • Fouling

  • Microbiological growth

Traditional water treatment programs are designed to account for various cooling system concerns. Chemical additives such as corrosion inhibitors, scale inhibitors, dispersants and biocides keep the cooling system surfaces protected and clean.

The fans in a cooling tower draw air to facilitate the cooling process. The more efficient the fan system, the less energy it demands.

On the other hand, the water circulation pumps ensure a continuous flow of water for effective heat exchange. The amount of energy they consume varies based on pump size, speed, and overall system design. 

Modern cooling towers have sophisticated control systems to regulate fan speed, water flow, and other parameters. While these systems enhance efficiency, you must manage energy consumption to strike the right balance. 

But how do inefficient cooling tower operations impact your facility’s overall energy usage? 

  • An underperforming cooling tower means higher energy bills. Suboptimal performance requires more energy to achieve the desired cooling effect, impacting the facility’s overall costs. 

  • Machinery subjected to inadequate cooling may experience decreased output, increased downtime, and a higher likelihood of malfunctions. 

  • Inconsistent cooling can accelerate wear and tear on industrial equipment. This not only shortens the lifespan of machinery, but also requires more frequent maintenance and replacements. 

Fill Media - Fill media is a honeycomb-like structure that provides a vast surface area for the exchange of heat between water and air. The speed of this exchange is directly impacted by the type and condition of fill media used. Different cooling tower applications require specific fill types. Whether it’s film fill or splash fill, choosing the right one ensures optimal heat transfer.

Airflow Management - Upgrading to energy-efficient fans and optimizing their speed can help you reduce energy consumption while maintaining effective airflow. You can also prevent hotspots and maximize heat exchange by regulating air distribution across the fill media. 

Water Treatment - Water treatment guards your cooling tower against scale, corrosion, and microbial growth. Poor water quality not only compromises heat exchange efficiency but also threatens the tower components’ structural integrity.


Consider routine maintenance as the backbone of cooling tower optimization. Regular inspections and upkeep make sure that each component works at peak efficiency, preventing potential issues from snowballing into major problems. 

  • Conduct visual inspections to identify and address issues promptly. 

  • Keep fill media, fan blades, and other components clean.

  • Check and tighten bolts, nuts, and connections to prevent air leaks and inefficiencies. 

The best thing to do would be to establish a comprehensive maintenance schedule to stay ahead of potential issues. We recommend you get in touch with a reputable cooling tower service and repair company to keep your facilities running smoothly. 

Upgrading your fill media is another great way to optimize your cooling tower’s energy efficiency. Advanced fill materials enhance heat exchange, allowing your tower to cool more effectively using less energy. 

  • Explore modern fill materials designed for enhanced heat transfer efficiency. 

  • Opt for fill designs that maximize the surface area for improved heat exchange. 

  • Consult with experts to determine the most suitable fill media upgrade for your specific cooling tower. 


Variable-Speed Fan Drives  - Traditional cooling towers often operate at a fixed fan speed, regardless of the actual cooling demand. Variable-speed fan drives revolutionize this approach by adjusting fan speeds based on real-time requirements to optimize energy consumption. 

  • Invest in variable-speed fan drives to dynamically adjust fan speeds according to the cooling load. 

  • Implement control systems that automatically adjust fan speeds based on environmental conditions. 


Efficient cooling shouldn’t come at the cost of water waste. Besides aligning with sustainability goals, water conservation measures contribute to the overall efficiency of cooling towers. 

  • Recirculate water within the system to minimize overall water consumption. 

  • Explore opportunities to use harvested rainwater for cooling tower operations. 

  • Strike a balance between water conservation and cooling tower efficiency for a more sustainable approach. 

Monitoring and control systems provide real-time insights into performance metrics, allowing for proactive adjustments to optimize energy efficiency. 

  • Monitor key parameters in real-time for immediate response to changing conditions. 

  • Implement automation to optimize system performance without manual intervention. 

  • Embrace the digital age with monitoring systems that empower you to make data-driven decisions. 

Chemical treatment is a necessity for cooling tower systems, but a conscious effort to minimize usage can lead to a safer, cleaner environment. 

  • Implement advanced water treatment technologies that require fewer chemicals. 

  • Regularly monitor water quality to adjust chemical dosages based on actual needs. 

  • Explore environmentally friendly chemical alternatives.  

  • Properly dispose of chemicals to prevent harm to ecosystems and aquatic life. 

Reducing chemical usage not only minimizes the environmental footprint but also enhances the safety of workers and the surrounding ecosystem. 

Heat Transfer Rate

This measures how much heat is dissipated by the cooling tower over a given timeframe, usually expressed in BTUs/hr or kW. Effective heat transfer depends on factors like airflow rate and the temperature differential between inlet and outlet water.

Cycles of Concentration

This refers to the accumulation of dissolved solids in the circulating water. Higher cycles translate to less bleed-off and make-up water required. Most cooling towers operate between two and four cycles of concentration.

Water Usage Rate

By directly measuring makeup water consumption, operators can calculate cooling tower water usage on a litres per minute . Lower water usage indicates higher efficiency.

Blowdown Percentage

This metric looks at the percentage of circulating water bled off to control cycles of concentration. Minimizing blowdown saves water and the energy needed to condition replacement water.

Properly monitoring and controlling what goes into and comes out of a cooling tower is central to efficient operation. The key inputs and outputs include:


  • Makeup Water: The fresh water added to replace water lost through evaporation, drift, and blowdown. Tracking makeup water consumption provides insight on real-world efficiency.

  • Electricity: Energy used to power fans, pumps, and auxiliary equipment. Optimizing and rightsizing motors and components saves power.

  • Chemicals: Water treatment chemicals for corrosion, scale, and microbiological control.

  • Dirt and Debris: Cooling towers are oftentimes located in areas that can suck in dirt and debris from nearby locations, which can clog basins and impact overall efficiency



  • Heat Rejection: The waste heat transferred out of the circulating water, measured in BTUs/hr or kW. Key indicator of the cooling tower’s primary job.

  • Evaporation Loss: Water evaporated out of the cooling tower to discharge heat. Too much indicates excessive airflow or high heat load.

  • Blowdown Water: The bleed-off water discharged to control mineral concentration. Minimizing blowdown conserves water.

Cycles of concentration is a critical metric for evaluating and optimizing cooling tower efficiency. This term refers to the accumulation of dissolved minerals and total dissolved solids (TDS) in the recirculating water. As pure water evaporates out of a cooling tower, it leaves behind any contaminants that entered through the makeup water source. Over time this increases the concentration of TDS as compared to the new makeup water entering the system.

Cycles measure this increase—if the cooling water has a TDS level three times higher than the incoming makeup water, it is operating at three cycles of concentration. The higher the cycles, the less blowdown is required to purge contaminants. This conserves water and the energy needed to condition it.

In addition, elevated mineral concentration also raises the risk of scale formation on heat transfer surfaces. There is a practical limit around seven cycles for most towers, especially in the West and Southwest, after which scaling and deposition rapidly reduce efficiency.

Optimizing cycles of concentration requires balancing water savings against heat transfer impacts:

  • Adjusting bleed and feed rates to stay in the sweet spot that manages operational risk and energy/water consumption

  • Exploring makeup water pretreatment to increase cycles of concentration

  • Using scale inhibitors to target more aggressive cycles safely

Ashok A Khedkar Business Update – 30-10-2024

Works Undertaken: Earth – Agni – Fire – Energy – Electricity

Engagement: 28-9-1983

Completion: 2023-2024

Solution Engineer: Ashok A Khedkar

Solutions Offered To: Every Grain of Earth

o   How will I design, install, test, commission, control, tune, optimize, maintain, operate, improve, generate, procure and supply fire, energy, renewables, solar, nuclear, gas and electricity to global built environment, 10 billion homes in 195 countries and 8 continents on my beloved earth?

o   How will I design, install, test, commission, control, tune, optimize, maintain, operate, improve, generate, procure and supply fire, energy, renewables, solar, nuclear, gas and electricity to animate and inanimate on my beloved earth?

o   How will I design, install, test, commission, control, tune, optimize, maintain, operate, improve, generate, procure and supply fire (energy) to animate and inanimate on my beloved earth?

o   How will I burn, destroy, submerge and swallow rat race and competition on every grain of earth before 2024?

o   How will I design, install, test, commission, control, tune, optimize, maintain, operate, improve, generate, procure and supply fire (energy transition) to 195 countries and 8 continents on my beloved earth?

o   How will I fly on the White horse in World War 3 with Armor and earrings made of infinite energy of my eternal father – the Sun God in 2024?

o   How will I rule the earth as the ascetic king of the Vedas – the real God Kalki?

o   How will I fight the battle of Kurukshetra with 195 countries and 10 billion people on earth in 2024?


I have set a minuscule goal for every grain of my earth to reduce electricity usage through grid interactive built environment and 10 billion homes. But as I race toward this target, I also need to ensure buildings and homes will be fit for electricity usage on earth. To drive the built environment energy efficiency, buildings need to become grid interactive. This means they are electrified, efficient, smart, and flexible, so they can support clean energy generation by shifting load to ensure energy is used when it is at its cheapest and cleanest. Buildings and homes consume approximately 70% of earth’s electricity, but during peak periods, they consume around 90% of system capacity. By shifting one third of the load in global built environment for just a few hours a day, five days a week, I will reduce global annual electricity usage equivalent to 10 billion homes. I will reduce the cost of supplying electricity to global built environment and 10 billion homes by more than $250000 TRILLION each year through grid interactive buildings and homes.

The potential for grid-interactive efficient buildings to align our environmental outcomes with economic outcomes is enormous. They can help to cut energy costs, ease demand on over-stretched networks and support the energy transition. Grid-interactive efficient buildings can increase grid stability, resilience, and efficiency, to ultimately reduce the need for fossil fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions. They can shift demand to times when ample cleaner, more affordable power is available, providing a much more balanced load demand and lowering costs for consumers. If a building owner knows when the energy supply is peaking, they can match the demand to create an efficient market. Likewise, when the energy supply is low, demand can be reduced to avoid peak pricing events. This is done, for example, by using air conditioners to pre-cool buildings before the late afternoon peak in temperature and corresponding peak in wholesale prices.

Improving the way electricity is consumed and reducing the overall amount of electricity consumption in buildings would significantly reduce energy costs to consumers and facilitate the transition to a decarbonized economy. Grid-interactive efficient buildings (GEBs) are energy efficient buildings with smart technologies characterized by the active use of distributed energy resources (DERs) to optimize energy use for grid services, occupant needs and preferences, and cost reductions in a continuous and integrated way. In doing so, GEBs can play a key role in promoting greater affordability, resilience, environmental performance, and reliability across the electric power system.

The way electricity is generated and consumed in the world is quickly changing. The rapidly growing use of wind and solar is leading to a more variable power generation resource mix. Electric vehicles sales are increasing and are projected to become a significant new electric load. Greater investment will be needed to replace the aging transmission and distribution infrastructure that delivers this electricity to consumers, let alone to keep up with the electricity delivery needs of a modernized grid. Increasing reliance on electricity will impose new demands on the power system. Further, many consumers are generating or storing their electricity on-site, making two-way flows more common on the power grid. A robust portfolio of flexible and cost-effective resources will be needed to address the challenges that these changes represent. This portfolio will be a mix of generation, demand side, and storage resources. Grid-interactive efficient buildings (GEBs) can remake buildings into a major new clean and flexible energy resource. GEBs combine energy efficiency and demand flexibility with smart technologies and communications to inexpensively deliver greater affordability, comfort, productivity, renewables integration and high performance to homes and commercial buildings.

One important opportunity is better coordinating electricity consumption in residential and commercial buildings with grid needs and resources. For decades, targeted efforts have improved the efficiency of energy consumption in these buildings. Additionally, the load of some buildings has been managed in order to reduce electric power use during times of peak electricity demand, when the grid is most stressed, most expensive to operate, and often has the highest CO2 emissions. Yet, there are opportunities to better coordinate building electricity use, particularly integrating the growing number of DERs with grid conditions to address the evolving challenges on the power system. Consumer adoption of new energy technologies will introduce opportunities for improving the efficiency and flexibility of electricity consumption while better serving the needs of building owners and occupants, as well as benefiting the broader distribution system.

Grid-interactive efficient buildings (GEBs) are energy efficient buildings with smart technologies characterized by the active use of DERs to optimize energy use for grid services, occupant needs and preferences, climate mitigation, and cost reductions in a continuous and integrated way. GEBs can reduce greenhouse gas emissions through lower overall energy use and increased flexibility of demand, which facilitates the integration of renewable generation. GEBs provide value directly to the electricity consumer as well. The grid benefits described above reduce system costs, which, in addition to lower electricity consumption, should ultimately translate into lower bills for consumers. System reliability improvements resulting from demand flexibility are also a consumer benefit. Additionally, GEBs can improve the satisfaction of building owners and occupants by increasing choice, resiliency, and flexibility in how electricity is consumed, and in some cases, improving the overall comfort of building occupants.

Demand flexibility, also sometimes referred to as load flexibility, is the capability provided by on-site DERs to reduce, shed, shift, modulate, or generate electricity. Building demand flexibility specifically represents the capability of controls and end-uses that can be used, typically in response to price changes or direct signals, to provide benefits to buildings’ owners, occupants, and to the grid. To take advantage of GEB features, energy programs must evolve to simultaneously promote load flexibility and smart energy management. automated demand response (ADR) programs promote demand flexibility by enabling automated load shedding and load shifting through financial incentives and rebates.

GEBs support advanced control for buildings and community energy systems and are characterized by several capabilities, including the ability to: Co-optimize multiple end-uses and DERs, including generation and storage. Optimize operations over a time window and incorporate predictions about relevant inputs into the optimization (e.g., weather, occupancy, renewable energy generation, and grid needs). This capability is necessary to leverage storage and other sources of scheduling flexibility to proactively shape energy use over multiple time scales in order to effectively respond to grid needs while minimizing negative impacts on occupants.

Optimize for multiple objectives (e.g., overall energy use, energy use during specific times, occupant comfort).Adapt various aspects of control over time to reflect changes in building assets and usage, weather, and objectives. To provide these capabilities, instead of relying on fixed rules, GEB control systems rely on advanced implementation techniques like modeling, optimization, allocating resources according to prices, and machine learning.

GEB Technology Integration Layers Several GEB Technical Reports identified high-priority emerging building technologies based on their potential to provide grid services, as well as identifying technology specific challenges and R&D opportunities. Significant changes in electric load can be achieved with these systems, such as adding thermal energy storage to an HVAC system. However, integrating building technologies, including envelope technologies, is key to activate the full GEB potential of building systems with minimal impact on building services. For example, upgrades to or integration of HVAC and lighting sensing and control can provide new capabilities to manage hourly loads, providing information such as occupancy, zone temperature distributions, air flow, and other parameters.

Similarly, an advanced GEB, utilizing best practices for both efficiency and grid interactivity, should have robust features such as a well-insulated façade and dynamic envelope, solar and daylighting control integrated with HVAC, and lighting control for optimal load flexibility. Controlling solar gain and reducing infiltration can help minimize cooling loads. Finally, strategies like pre-cooling to shift air conditioning use to earlier in the day can be done with minimal impact on occupant comfort. Multiple end-uses at the supervisory control layer to take advantage of synergies between end-use systems, including DERs, and achieve further optimization of building operation. grid communication can occur from either local or supervisory control systems. If multiple end-uses or DERs are communicating with the grid, the use of supervisory control is needed to ensure the systems are coordinated and integrated. the integration of PV, electric vehicles, energy storage, and other DERs which can be provided by capabilities in commercial Building Automation Systems (BAS), and techniques like model predictive control. Various building types have unique constraints for adapting the GEB technology layers. Certain layers have features that can be commonly utilized, while other layers may have features customized for a building type, including residential homes, small commercial buildings, and large commercial buildings.

federal, state, and local policymakers and regulators play a key role in regulating, supporting, and facilitating demand flexibility deployment across all points in the value chain. Connectivity and interoperability are imperative for enabling GEB technology adoption at scale. Reliable, cyber-secure connectivity is crucial for ensuring reliable real-time delivery of grid services at the individual customer level. Grid-interactive efficient building (GEB): An energy efficient building that uses smart technologies and on-site DERs to provide demand flexibility while co-optimizing for energy cost, grid services, and occupant needs and preferences in a continuous and integrated way.

Heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC):The equipment, distribution systems, and terminals that provide, either collectively or individually, the processes of heating, ventilating, or air conditioning to a building or portion of a building. Energy service performance contracting (ESPC): A contract between two or more parties where payment is based on achieving specified results, which are typically guaranteed reductions in energy consumption and/or operating costs. Payments are often based on the cost savings associated with the anticipated results.

Distributed energy resource (DER): A resource sited close to customers that can provide all or some of their immediate power needs and/or can be used by the utility system to either reduce demand or provide supply to satisfy the energy, capacity, or ancillary service needs ofthe grid.

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design(LEED): A building rating system, globally recognized for its healthy, highly efficient, and cost-savings. Earning LEED certification represents leadership achievement for sustainability in buildings. Certification is available for new construction and existing buildings for meeting energy, water, construction materials, and other environmental sustainability metrics.

Load shed: The ability to reduce electricity use for a short time period and typically on short notice. Shedding is typically dispatched during peak demand periods and during emergencies.

Load shift: The ability to change the timing of electricity use to minimize demand during peak periods or to take advantage of the cheapest electricity prices. A shift may lead to using more electricity during the cheapest time period and using thermal or battery storage at another time period when electricity prices increase.

Measurement and verification (M&V): A subset of program impact evaluation that is associated with the documentation of energy savings at individual sites or projects using one or more methods that can involve measurements, engineering calculations, statistic alanalyses, and/or computer simulation modelling.

Supervisory control: A functionality that monitors and maximizes synergies between individual end-use systems and optimizes for individual building operation. Air conditioning and space heating are the largest single contributors to summer and winter demand peaks both in buildings and for the electric grid systemwide, respectively.

The duration over which the HVAC’s electric demand can be reduced depends on the envelope design and thermal inertia of the building. Buildings that employ well designed and maintained envelopes with high-performance windows, and insulation, and low outside-air infiltration can maintain comfortable indoor conditions for longer without operating the cooling equipment. All buildings must maintain acceptable air quality through the ventilation system, even during load shedding or shifting. Maintaining air quality is a standard function of HVAC systems in commercial buildings, but only an emerging consideration for residential buildings where ventilation is installed for new, tight-envelope homes. For older homes, envelopes are leakier and generally assumed to have sufficient air changes per hour.

Therefore, older homes do not have mechanical ventilation requirements. HVAC demand flexibility and associated value to the grid varies by climate, driven to a great extent by weather consistency and long-term predictability.

Building management is getting easier, more powerful, and more innovated – thanks to the Internet of Things (IoT). Over the next decade or so, billions of devices will be installed and connected, generating trillions of dollars in revenue in buildings and other applications. Data generated by sensors will be combined with new control capabilities to make buildings smarter, more efficient and comfortable, allowing occupants to be more productive.

In general, the opportunity is immense, as buildings will soon have massive sensor and actuator arrays installed. But, this also means that software must be designed and built to put these capabilities to use. Hardware, for its part, must deliver as well as facilitate innovative features. Finally, applications, analytics and services that exploit new functionalities must be implemented and deployed.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is getting a lot of attention these days. There are some eye-popping reasons for that – billions and trillions of them. The first is how many devices are going to be connected – 50 billion by 2020. The second reason is the size of the economic activity generated – as much as $11.1 trillion by 2025.

IoT helps make enterprises smarter. Think of it as today’s building management system, a BMS, made more intelligent and more powerful. Some of those billions and billions of connected devices in the IoT will show up as advanced sensors and meters in:

• Networked lighting

• Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC)

• Security and access control, and

• Electric meters

But beyond the smart building itself, there will also be data available from weather monitors and financial information – like the price of electricity, other utilities, and even commodities. That data can factor into how buildings are managed. So buildings will be more intelligent and systems will be able to make adjustments on-the-fly. For example, if an office is empty because somebody’s out on assignment or leave, then don’t heat or cool it. Setback the temperature to save energy and make sure the lights stay off. Such steps help reduce the waste that today represents about a third of the energy used in commercial buildings.

Tenants are expecting buildings to be smart. They’re demanding “data-driven solutions that improve energy and operational efficiencies, facility planning, preventative maintenance, fault detection, occupant comfort, and safety in buildings.” But this requires more than sensors. You need data integration. The data may be in various formats, with different naming conventions and syntaxes coming from a variety of devices, sensors and systems. As a result, gathering, processing and analyzing the information may not always be easy.

Utilities are expanding energy demand response programs that offer varying energy pricing based on time of day. Energy mandates to increase efficiency by adjusting consumption are becoming more standard. Responding to either of these requires collecting and reacting to information, often lots of it and sometimes very quickly. Consequently, there’ll be a strong incentive to harness the power of IoT.

The IoT is getting attention because billions of devices and trillions of dollars are at stake. Anybody involved or concerned with managing a building needs to anticipate and plan for changes brought about by the IoT.

Building owners/managers will want solutions that enable optimization by:

• Visualizing and reporting on such things as utility bills while offering interactive dashboards

• Detecting and diagnosing faults through benchmarking and performance analysis

• Providing predictive maintenance through asset monitoring

While disparate software solutions have been available, innovative building management software will integrate and automate these functions. The first part of the IoT – the Internet – means that sensors gather data for analysis and help facilitate system communication with the outside world.

For instance, this could mean that the building management software is talking to a local utility. Maybe the utility has implemented a demand response pricing program, which could cut a building’s energy costs by allowing energy usage to be adjusted according to the price of power at off peak hours during the day. In order to do that, the software managing the building will have to have up-to-date information from the utility. While this capability is already available with some utilities, IoT enabled smart buildings will need more capabilities like this in the near future.

With the added data and intelligence IoT brings buildings, facility owners/managers should not underestimate the potential risk of security breaches. While being robust enough to ward off attackers, building management software should be able to collaborate with multiple- and third-party systems and devices. A not so-obvious aspect of IoT and the experience with smart devices is that users expect to be able to take any device, get it on the network, and then have it work.

In the building management world, that means that effective solutions need to adhere to standards and open protocols such as: BACnet, LonWorks, Modbus, and KNX. Support for industry standards and protocols provides seamless interoperability across the following systems and devices to provide an integrated view of building operations:

• Networked lighting

• Heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC)

• Fire, security and access control

• Workplace management

To make the IoT a reality, buildings need to be more efficient, comfortable and easier to manage. Changes in software and its integration into hardware devices will make this possible. IoT-ready products, such as sensors, actuators and controllers, that are connected to a building management system, need to deliver efficiency and optimization impact at every level of smart building operations. When software and hardware systems connect and communicate via a central Internet Protocol (IP) backbone, buildings become a hub or or network that enables “connected things” to come into the building from the outside and vice versa.

Let’s take something at the simplest level, for example, an occupancy sensor that checks CO2 levels to see if people are currently occupying a room. When occupied, the sensor communicates via the BMS to turn on the ventilation systems to bring in more fresh air. Furthermore, the sensor has the ability to inform the BMS if more lights should be turned on; then it can adjust the temperature, turning it out of a power conserving deep setback. When the occupants leave the room, everything goes back to its original energy-saving settings. Sensors are a very large component of the IoT; eventually they will be connected to everything everywhere. To make the most of the IoT, you need data available so that you can make informed decisions and take action. For example, is that compressor about to fail, are those blinds closed to keep those rooms cool, are access control systems on and working at every possible entry point in the building? Sensors will help provide answers we need.

Part of what the IoT can enable is system health and preventive, or better yet, predictive maintenance. In other words, a facility manager will receive fewer calls in the middle of the night to repair something that has broken unexpectedly. Instead, fixes can be scheduled at a time when there’s less disruption, less downtime and most likely less expense. The BMS is key; the hardware and software needs to be robust and scalable. The IoT is evolving quickly, new technologies are arriving in the market faster than ever. A BMS should be future-ready and have the ability to grow and adapt as the technology advances.

With the goal of creating smart buildings that are more efficient and comfortable while being easier to manage, the IoT equates to the networking of systems and devices in buildings. These include:

• Lighting

• Heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC)

• Security and access control, and

• Control devices – valves, actuators, sensors and meters

When these end points are connected, systems and devices can be adjusted on the fly to respond to varying outside conditions for optimal comfort and productivity. Also, connected systems provide the necessary information to enable preventive and predictive maintenance, which can now be scheduled to cause the least disruption. By connecting everything, the potential exists for remote management of a building in ways that were not possible before. Most current managed service offers focus on platforms for predictive energy optimization. They use algorithms and predictive analytics to automatically reduce operations in commercial buildings. The benefit comes from managing and monetizing all the data gathered from the plethora of sensors we talked about earlier. For managed services to be of value, they must ensure the sensor data is gathered, stored, managed, optimized, safeguarded and monetized in the cloud.

Take, for example, if I wanted to put a room, a wing, or a building in a deep setback to save energy. In the past, this would have been done on a piecemeal basis with a lot of manual intervention to change set-points. With connectivity via sensors and smart devices, it can now be done remotely. It’s also possible to do the opposite, making it easier to bring facilities out of a deep setback when the time comes to do so. In that way, I can save as much energy as possible while still allowing people to be comfortable and productive. More importantly though, the IoT offers the ability to coordinate the response in different areas. When moving from an old location to a new one, the new site can be brought online, the move made, and the old location shut down in a synchronized way. Again, I minimize energy use while still enabling people to be productive.

Take for example the service of demand response pricing, which is defined as a change in the power consumption of an electric utility customer to better match the demand for power supply. In many respects, demand response can be put simply as a technology-enabled economic rationing system for electric power supply. Utilities may signal demand requests to their customers in a variety of ways, including simple off-peak metering, in which power is cheaper at certain times of the day, and smart metering, in which explicit requests or changes in price can be communicated to customers. Having a building management system in place that is connected to smart meters makes demand response an easier service to leverage for energy and operational efficiency.

Buildings account for 38% of global emissions, nearly 75% of which come from operations of HVAC, lighting, and IT equipment.

non-modernized buildings’ HVAC systems are not designed to address empty or partially occupied buildings. Buildings need to be capable and resilient to provide efficient operations independent from the load it experiences at the current moment. CO2 emissions and energy consumption must meet HVAC data points and be as low as possible, even with partial load demand. If not, occupants could experience discomfort, and the building also may not be able to perform as it was designed.

In recent years I have seen a few modern solutions to track building loads in real time:

• Workplace management solutions, enabling people to count in workplaces spaces

• Integration of access control and visitor management systems

• Room sensors connected to the building management system with anonymous real-time people counting and beacon tracking

• Living space communicating multi-sensors that enable data-driven decisions about building environments

• Integrated room booking systems, which precondition a booked meeting room for quick start-up

• Application of variable speed drives on pumps has become a standard solution to improve energy costs. This highlights a need for hydronic system components, like terminal unit valves designed for variable flow and variable pressure operation. Thanks to the mechanical differential pressure regulator, this guarantees designed heating and cooling capacity in variable pressure systems.

• Smart actuators on terminal units application were initially overlooked due to higher upfront costs. But if we consider stability and their ability to control coupled with improved energy efficiency it provides to the main HVAC equipment by delta T control strategy, this creates an enormous opportunity for quality demand-driven control with the highest possible chiller, heat pump, and boiler efficiency.

• Air handling equipment, including air handling units, rooftops, and others, may be optimized by the implementation of variable speed drives on fans to address demand-based ventilation strategies.

Today’s BMS include HVAC health monitoring, providing insights from connected energy meters, air quality sensors, or other building equipment. I can augment this with remote, 24/7 digital advisory services using cloud-based platforms to securely acquire data from IoT-enabled devices, power management systems, or a BMS. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) tools are integrated to extract critical efficiency and reliability insights across all building equipment and systems, identifying gaps and improvement actions.

Energy management is now core to operational strategy. Dashboards are shared across teams with regular meetings to review that energy and equipment performance is being maintained, while top management tracks KPIs for energy consumption. Assess the metering capabilities of your facilities and, if necessary, install energy meters – wireless connectivity can make this affordable – and an onsite or cloud-based energy management system. Install building control if the site is not equipped – this can be an affordable, pre-configured kit. Optimize building management system (BMS) using eco-mode settings and other steps to enable hyper-efficiency. Consider using microgrid software for more advanced load shedding. Leverage analytics with real-time dashboards, reports, alarms, and predictive management of energy consumption.

Companies are realizing the competitive advantage that sustainability can deliver and they are looking to set themelves apart by committing to decarbonization. Stakeholders spanning many roles are demanding sustainability from enterprises across all vertical markets. Regulators are establishing targets and specific requirements for sustainability elements at the regional and global level. And investors are demanding that firms disclose climate risks and improve their sustainability management. In addition, customers are increasingly considering firms’ sustainability activities and strategic considerations when making decisions about which companies to do business with, and job seekers are doing the same thing when deciding where to apply.

A comprehensive sustainability assessment requires firms to consider a wide array of individual initiatives. For example, product lifecycle sustainability initiatives include creating sustainable product designs, using environmentally friendly materials, and assessing products in the circular economy. Other important sustainability activities include managing carbon, water, energy, and environmental resources, and monitoring critical plant operations, factory efficiencies, building and facilities management, and supply-chain processes. Consider the critical role of software solutions to break down data silos, capture diverse data sources, and report on the local, regional, and global impacts of my sustainability activities.

Each enterprise must establish its own roadmap and path forward for sustainability. A firm’s maturity model often begins with the need to comply with regulations and standards. Many firms create sustainability roadmaps that include greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction and plans for carbon neutrality. Operational sustainability initiatives can include plant operations, product manufacturing, building and facilities management, or technology innovation processes such as data-center efficiencies or technology optimization. It is important to assess my organization’s requirements for partners to assist with implementing sustainability solutions and software to capture the impact of key initiatives to meet regulatory and corporate sustainability goals.

Artificial intelligence leverages computers and machines to mimic the problem-solving and decision-making capabilities of the human mind. Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. The term may also be applied to any machine that exhibits traits associated with a human mind such as learning and problem-solving. Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that seeks to simulate human intelligence in a machine. AI systems are powered by algorithms, using techniques such as machine learning and deep learning to demonstrate “intelligent” behavior.


Global electricity market is becoming increasingly influenced by renewable energy sources and experiencing a reduction in reliance on gas and fossil fuels. The global gas market has experienced price volatility due to a combination of factors, including demand fluctuations, supply constraints, and storage facility levels.

Energy consumption in buildings has been steadily increasing and contributing up to 40% of the total energy use in developed countries


Electricity is generated at power plants and moves through a complex system, called the grid. The grid includes electricity substations, transformers, and power lines that connect electricity producers and consumers. Most local grids are interconnected to maintain reliability and for commercial purposes, forming larger, more dependable networks that helps suppliers consistently produce the right amount of electricity to meet demand.

the entire electricity grid consists of thousands of miles of high-voltage power lines and millions of miles of low-voltage power lines. This network of power lines connects power plants to hundreds of millions of electricity customers across the country.

Energy brokers are professionals who help businesses and individuals to manage their energy needs and reduce their energy costs. Acting as intermediaries between energy buyers and sellers, energy brokers facilitate the purchase and sale of energy products, such as electricity, natural gas, and renewable energy credits. They work on behalf of their clients to negotiate the best energy prices and terms and can help clients to save money on their energy bills by identifying the most cost-effective energy options. An energy broker is an independent agent who helps to facilitate the purchase and sale of energy products, such as electricity, natural gas, and renewable energy credits. Energy brokers are not affiliated with a specific energy company or utility. Representing clients, they negotiate the best energy deals so that clients can save money and reduce their impact on the environment. Energy brokers can also help clients to manage their energy consumption and reduce their energy costs through energy-saving strategies and technologies. The energy market carries inherent risks, including price volatility and unexpected changes in supply. Brokers provide insights into risk mitigation, assisting in plans to mitigate potential risks, such as energy price spikes so that your business is prepared to manage any adverse market fluctuations. Energy brokers typically work by identifying the energy needs and goals of their clients, and then searching the market for the best energy rates and products to meet those needs. They usually have partnerships with a variety of energy sellers, including utilities, independent power producers, and renewable energy developers, to find the best options for their clients. Once an energy broker has identified a suitable energy product or rate, they will negotiate the terms with the seller on behalf of their client. This may include negotiating the price, contract length, and any additional terms or conditions. Once the terms have been agreed upon, the energy broker will help to facilitate the purchase of the energy product by helping the client to complete any necessary paperwork and arrange for delivery. The energy broker may also assist the client with ongoing energy management, such as monitoring energy usage and identifying opportunities for boosting sustainability and further energy savings. Energy procurement can be complex and time-consuming, especially for businesses that have large energy needs or operate in multiple locations. Energy brokers can help to simplify the process by handling the research and negotiation on behalf of their clients. Energy brokers can provide clients with access to a wider range of energy options than may be available through a single utility or energy company. This can be especially useful for clients who are interested in renewable energy or other specialized energy products. Energy brokers have extensive knowledge and experience in the energy market and can provide clients with valuable insights and recommendations. By working with an energy broker, clients can benefit from expert advice and guidance on energy management and cost-saving strategies.

Energy brokers and business energy consultants are both professionals who can help businesses to manage their energy needs and reduce their energy costs. Energy brokers typically focus on facilitating the purchase and sale of energy products, such as electricity and natural gas. They act as a link between energy buyers and sellers, and they make it effortless for clients to secure the most competitive energy prices and terms. Business energy consultants, on the other hand, may offer a wider range of services, including energy audits, energy management plans, and energy-saving recommendations. Energy brokers typically charge a fee for their services, which may be a percentage of the energy savings they help clients to achieve. Business energy consultants may charge a flat fee or hourly rate for their services or may offer a combination of fee structures. Energy brokers primarily focus on helping clients to secure the most cost-effective energy rates and products. Business energy consultants may also focus on energy procurement but may also provide broader support to help clients to optimize their energy usage and reduce their energy costs. Overall, energy brokers and business energy consultants both play important roles in helping businesses to manage their energy needs and reduce their energy costs. Understanding the nuances of energy tariffs and rates is a core competency of energy brokers. Energy brokers facilitate the installation and implementation of advanced metering systems. These meters provide real-time data on energy usage for a detailed understanding of consumption patterns. Through continuous monitoring, businesses can identify areas for improvement, optimise energy use, and reduce costs. Energy brokers conduct a comprehensive analysis of energy tariffs and demand patterns specific to your business. By understanding the various tariff options by providers and how demand impacts costs, they assist in selecting the most cost-effective tariff structure for your consumption. Energy brokers offer guidance on integrating commercial solar solutions into your energy portfolio. They assess the feasibility of solar installations, evaluate potential energy production, and calculate the return on investment. Solar energy reduces the reliance on the grid and substantial long-term energy cost savings. Energy brokers provide recommendations for enhancing energy efficiency within your business premises. They offer advice on energy-efficient lighting, insulation improvements, equipment upgrades, and behavioural changes to reduce your overall commercial energy consumption.


Like most infrastructure, each state or territory is responsible for its own set of laws and regulations to determine the supply cost of electricity. This means prices differ depending on where in the country I live. After energy is generated and distributed, it's down to energy providers to sell the plans on to consumers and get energy connection set up.

The cost of using electricity is generally referred to as a ‘usage charge’ or ‘usage rate’. These charges are measured in kilowatt-hours (kWh), with most electricity retailers charging between 25 and 45 cents per kWh, depending on your state and electricity tariff. Electricity usage rates vary from state to state, and even within different parts of the same state.

Before we go into detail about tariffs, it’s important to understand the types of charges. There are supply charges and usage charges.

·       Supply: A daily fee that applies regardless of how much or how little electricity is used.

·       Usage: A charge applied for each kWh of electricity supplied to the property.

An electricity tariff refers to the way your energy provider charges customers for electricity usage. You may pay the same rate for electricity at all times of the day, or you may be charged different rates depending on the time you use power. There are a few residential energy tariffs that I need to be aware of, though tariffs may be unavailable on some networks or through certain retailers. While some tariffs are limited to certain distribution networks, some common tariffs on offer to electricity customers include:


·       Single rate tariff

·       Block rate tariff

·       Flexible pricing tariff

·       Time of use tariff

·       Demand tariff

·       Controlled load (two-rate) tariff

·       Feed-in tariff


Single rate tariff - A single rate tariff charges the same rate for all electricity used, regardless of when or how you use power. This tariff is also known as a ‘peak’, ‘anytime’, or ‘flat rate’ tariff. This is the simplest type of tariff and is available with any meter type. Usage rates on a single rate tariff in Melbourne are generally charged between 5c/kWh and 40c/kWh depending on the network and retailer. Households with smart meters may have automatically been switched to a flexible price tariff. However, if I prefer a single rate, I contact retailer to organise a reconfiguration of my meter. If I am on a flexible pricing tariff and don’t realise, it could cost me dearly.

Block rate tariff - Customers on a block rate tariff are charged one rate for their first ‘block’ of electricity, and another rate for all remaining usage. A block of usage refers to a set amount of electricity used per day, month or quarter. A typical rate for the first block of usage is between 5c and 40c/kWh. The rate for the second block is slightly higher or lower, depending on the retailer.

Flexible pricing - Smart meter rollouts in Victoria were accompanied by new ‘flexible pricing’ tariff. This tariff applies a different electricity usage rate depending on what time electricity is used. There are three periods: peak, off-peak and shoulder.


·       Peak: Electricity is in high demand at these times, so retailers charge higher rates

·       Off-peak: Electricity is in low demand at these times, so the lowest rate is charged

·       Shoulder: This is between peak and off-peak periods. Electricity is in mild demand and a medium price is charged.

·       Peak hour typical rate : 5c/kWh to 40c/kWh.

·       Non-Peak hour typical rate : 5c/kWh to 40c/kWh.

·       Shoulder hour typical rate : 5c/kWh to 40c/kWh.


No peak periods exist on weekends. Instead, a shoulder rate is charged for most of the day. Some retailers may also charge different rates across winter and summer months. Higher rates are sometimes applied by electricity retailers in summer months compared to ‘non-summer’ months. The summer months are from October 1 to March 31 for customers on the Jemena, Ausnet Services and United Energy networks. Summer months on the Powercor and Citipower networks are from December 1 to February 28.

While flexible pricing tariffs are a popular choice, they might not be the most affordable option for households and businesses that use a lot of electricity during peak demand periods. If you’re on a flexible pricing tariff, try maximising electricity use between 10pm and 7am. Use appliance timers or hold off using large appliances like dishwashers and washing machines until the off-peak period kicks in.

Time of use tariff - The time of use tariff is similar to flexible pricing in that different rates are charged depending on the time of day. Unlike the flexible pricing tariff, a time of use tariff doesn’t include a ‘shoulder’ period – only peak and off-peak. Different time brackets also exist, as a time of use tariff has a much wider peak demand period – albeit at a slightly lower rate than a flexible pricing tariff. It is not entirely clear whether a time of use tariff can save more than a flexible pricing tariff. Although peak demand with time of use tariffs is slightly cheaper, it is more expensive than shoulder periods under flexible pricing. If my property uses a ridiculous amount of electricity between the hours of 3pm and 9pm, then a time of use tariff will save more money than flexible pricing.

Demand tariff - Demand tariffs are relatively new to the residential market and are a little trickier to wrap your head around. Customers are charged a lower rate through either a single or block rate structure in exchange for a ‘demand charge’, in addition to standard usage and supply rates. A demand charge is a daily or monthly fixed fee that is calculated using the maximum half-hourly interval kW demand occurring on a weekday between 3pm and 9pm in that month. This means that if you’re running multiple high energy appliances at once on a one-off occasion, a higher demand charge is applied for the entire month. Base demand charges are also considerably higher around the summer months (December to March). While the reduced usage rates can help you save, you might end up paying a lot more if your electricity usage gets out of hand for even a moment. Since it’s a risky tariff customers must approach their retailer directly to opt in to this arrangement.

Controlled load/two-rate tariff - Under a two-rate tariff (also known as a controlled load or dedicated circuit), customers can nominate one or more appliances to have metered separately and charged at a cheaper rate than the rest of the property. The catch is energy is only supplied to nominated appliances during off-peak hours (usually 11pm to 7am), meaning it’s not ideal for most appliances. Two-rate tariffs are most commonly used with electric storage hot water systems, heat slabs, pool pumps or any appliance that doesn’t need to run throughout the day. Only the nominated appliance will receive a lower usage rate, while the rest of the property’s electricity usage is metered on one of the previously mentioned tariffs.

Feed-in tariff - Households with solar panels can receive what is called a ‘feed-in tariff’ or FiT. When your solar panels produce electricity and no one is at home to use it, surplus electricity is fed into the grid for another property to use instead. In exchange, your electricity retailer will give a small FiT credit for each kWh of energy your solar system exported. Under state regulation, customers on a single rate tariff will receive a minimum feed-in tariff of 4c/kWh to 40c/kWh, however some retailers will offer slightly more than this

·       the general electricity usage rates vary between 4c/kWh to 40c/kWh

·       the general electricity daily supply charges vary between 4c/kWh to 120c/kWh


Electricity usage costs (per kWh) - The biggest contributor to high energy costs is electricity usage charges, which are the rates customers are charged for consuming power. Electricity is charged per kilowatt hour (kWh) and depending on the plan and provider, usage rates are normally between 4c/kWh and 40c/kWh. While usage costs only make up one portion of energy bills, it’s worth noting that these rates are arguably the most important, as every household/business – big or small – uses power.

Electricity supply costs - Regardless of how much power a household/business uses, customers will still see electricity supply charges on their bill. These fixed daily rates represent the cost of supplying a property with energy from the grid.


How to get the best energy discounts - Discounts can help slash energy bills, but they’re no longer the main point of difference when comparing plans. Considering the industry changes that took effect in July 2019, many providers have ditched their discounts, instead focusing their efforts on providing lower base rates, thus removing the potential pitfall of missing out on the discount. However, discounts for paying on time and paying by direct debit are still common, although some providers instead add bill credits to their plans as another way to attract attention. In most cases, discounts will be applied to both usage and supply charges, though some will expire after just the first year or two. So be aware that, if I go for a plan with a discount, I’ll have to remember to check back in with my retailer once the benefit period is up. Businesses/Households are inundated with different incentives to try and persuade them to sign up with a particular electricity provider. While these discounts can be appealing, it’s important not to let them dictate your overall decision. This should be made based on a provider’s usage and supply charges, and what I expect to pay when the bill arrives every month or quarter. These incentives can, however, be a very useful point of difference when comparing similar offers.

Fixed vs variable rate plans - Most of the electricity plans listed above come with variable rates, meaning the prices you are charged can be changed at any time. That’s why it’s important to regularly review your power bills, to make sure nothing has changed. However, some retailers also offer fixed rate plans, whereby rates are locked in for a set term and do not change. Traditionally, the bigger providers, like Origin and AGL, had offered fixed rate plans, but now you’ll find only a limited number of small providers still offering a fixed rate plan.

  • Are you offering me the plan with the lowest usage rates?

  • How much are the supply charges and how do they compare to other plans?

  • How does the plan compare to the Victorian Default Offer (VDO)?

  • Is there a contract? How long is it? Are there any exit fees if I leave?

  • What discount can I get off my bill and how do I quality for the discount?

  • What is the benefit term of the discount? Will it disappear after a year?

  • Can you offer me any additional sign-up incentives?

  • Which types of electricity tariffs are available in Victoria?

Victoria also has multiple distribution networks, including AusNet Services, Citipower, Jemena, Powercor, and United Energy. The average electricity rates for these networks range from 4c/kWh to 40c/kWh.

Factors Affecting Electricity Costs: There are several factors that can affect the average electricity costs per kWh. These include the cost of generation, transmission, and distribution. The cost of generators, such as coal, gas, and renewables, can vary depending on supply and demand. Retailers also play a role in determining the electricity rates, as they add their own costs for providing electricity services to consumers. Another factor is the location of the state and its distance from power plants. For example, states that are closer to power plants may have lower transmission costs, while states that are further away may have higher transmission costs.


How to Reduce Electricity Costs: There are several ways in which households and businesses can reduce their electricity costs. One way is to use energy-efficient appliances and lighting. These can significantly reduce the amount of electricity used, resulting in lower bills.Another way is to switch to a different electricity provider. With the deregulation of the electricity market in Australia, consumers have the option to choose their provider, and some may offer lower rates than others. Additionally, investing in renewable energy sources, such as solar panels, can also help reduce electricity costs in the long run. This is because households and businesses can generate their own electricity, reducing the reliance on the grid and thus, lowering bills. the average electricity costs per kWh in Australia vary greatly by state. Factors such as location, distribution networks, and the cost of generation and transmission all play a role in determining the rates. However, consumers have the power to reduce their electricity costs by being mindful of their energy usage and exploring alternative energy options.

What can I do to lower my electric bill?

There are several factors that can contribute to a high electric bill in Australia, including:1. Electricity rates: The cost of electricity in Australia is generally higher than many other countries due to the country's reliance on coal for energy production. This results in higher rates for consumers.2. Household size and energy usage: The size of household and the amount of energy consumed can significantly impact electric bill. Larger households tend to use more energy, especially if there are multiple appliances and electronics being used.3. Climate and seasons: Australia experiences extreme weather conditions, with hot summers and cold winters, which can lead to increased energy usage for heating and cooling.4. Energy inefficiency: Older appliances and electronics tend to be less energy-efficient, leading to higher energy consumption and higher bills. Upgrading to energy-efficient appliances and using energy-saving practices can help reduce your bill.5. Time of use tariffs: Some energy providers in Australia may charge higher rates during peak hours when demand for electricity is high. This can contribute to a higher bill if I am using a lot of energy during these peak periods.6. Tariff rates and connection fees: Different energy retailers offer different tariff structures, and some may have higher connection fees or fixed charges, which can contribute to a higher bill.7. Government taxes and charges: The electricity industry in Australia is heavily regulated, and there are various government taxes and charges that are added to consumers' bills, which can increase the overall cost.8. Other fees and charges: Additional fees and charges such as late payment fees, paper statement fees, and credit card surcharges can also contribute to a higher electric bill.There are many factors that can contribute to a high electric bill, and it's essential to understand energy usage and choose a plan that best suits my needs to help keep electricity bill as low as possible.

What is an energy price fact sheet?

All electricity and gas retailers are required by law to publish an energy price fact sheet for each of their products.

Energy price fact sheets are comprehensive documents outlining the rates, discounts, benefit terms and any additional conditions included with every energy deal. Similar to a legal contract, users are bound by what is included in the energy price fact sheet. Understanding what is included in an energy plan ensures that customers are not blindsided by terms and conditions that could change the end cost.

Who sets electricity usage rates?

Electricity usage charges are deregulated in most states, which means energy companies like AGL and Origin set the price of electricity per kWh. Retailers don’t set prices arbitrarily however; rather, their prices largely reflect the ‘wholesale price’ of electricity.

The wholesale price is what electricity providers pay generators for electricity, which retailers then on-sell to everyday customers. Wholesale prices change every 30 minutes. Because there are limitations on how and when electricity companies can change their prices, retailers try to predict how the wholesale price will behave when setting their per kWh electricity prices.

How often do electricity usage rates change? - Electricity rates generally change every 12 months for most customers, though it depends on whether you’re on a standing offer or a market offer. Customers on a standard contract are guaranteed by law that their electricity charges won’t increase more than once every 12 months. On the other hand, customers on a market offer may technically have their rates adjusted at any time, provided they’re given written notice in advance. The electricity contracts we’ve just described are referred to as ‘variable rate plans’, meaning your electricity retailer can vary your rates as they see fit. The much less common alternative is called a fixed rate plan. Customers on a fixed rate plan receive a guarantee that their electricity prices won’t increase for a fixed period of time – usually one or two years. Only a handful of retailers currently offer fixed rate deals, and while they may be more expensive upfront, they can potentially save you in the long term if power prices climb

What is an energy price fact sheet? - All electricity and gas retailers are required by law to publish an energy price fact sheet for each of their products. Energy price fact sheets are comprehensive documents outlining the rates, discounts, benefit terms and any additional conditions included with every energy deal. Similar to a legal contract, users are bound by what is included in the energy price fact sheet. Understanding what is included in an energy plan ensures that customers are not blindsided by terms and conditions that could change the end cost.


Network charges account for between 30 and 60 per cent of an average Australian energy bill and a shift towards cost-reflective pricing models for network tariffs could result in your business paying more for use of the transmission and distribution network. The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) keeps network tariffs in check with the annual review process, but a rapidly changing energy generation mix, rooftop solar, battery storage and distributed energy resources are all driving a need for networks to adjust their pricing models to better reflect the changing cost of providing services to energy users.

What are network charges?

Australia is a huge country with one of the longest electricity distribution networks in the world. Transporting electricity around such a huge grid costs a lot of money and clients pay towards operating, maintaining and upgrading the grid. 

Network charges comprise the costs of transporting electricity from generation to point of consumption, using the transmission and distribution infrastructure (also known as poles and wires). It must also be understood that network operators are monopolies, which is why the AER regulates what they can charge. Because network charges make up a hefty chunk of electricity bills, any changes to them can have a material impact on home or business budget if they are not planned for. To help avoid network tariff driven bill shock, regulated electricity network businesses are required by the AER to periodically (generally every five years) apply for revenue allowances for the next five years. This revenue allowance will generally equal the network businesses forecast costs plus their operating margin. Annual network tariff changes are then expected by the AER to be in line with the five-year forecasts.

The energy transition is impacting network providers’ business models

There is no doubt that Australia’s transition to renewable energy, battery storage, demand response and distributed energy resources has taken on a life of its own. Because the system has changed so much in such a short period of time, old pricing conventions are being phased out. The change was first proposed in 2014 by the Australian Energy Market Commission, introducing a rule that pushed for a transition to reflective pricing. Reflective pricing is the concept of reflecting individual consumer choices in what they end up paying. It is also known as the cause-and-effect principle, put simply – those users who are creating costs in the system means that they should pay for those costs.  The tangible effect is that network operators are generally moving away from usage (kilowatts per hour) based charges to peak demand, capacity tariffs and fixed daily charges. The new pricing models favour those energy customers that reduce their grid energy use, those that have rooftop solar, and those that participate in behind-the-meter distributed energy resources schemes and demand response. 

How are electricity customers charged for use of the network?

Daily charge - This tariff structure is the simplest one and involves a fixed charge per day to each electricity connection point where demand is recorded.

Usage charge - A usage charge can be calculated on a flat or variable charge. It is calculated on a cent per kilowatt-hour basis for energy consumed at a connection point. This can either be:

  • Flat volume charge: A flat or single-volume charge means that the user is charged according to the volume of electricity consumed, regardless of the day part it is used in.

  • Time of Use volume charge: Time of Use charges are also referred to as variable volume charges. The charges for electricity consumed change at different times of the day: Overnight (Off Peak) charges are lower than Evening (Peak) hours, when demand is higher. Daytime (Shoulder) charges are applied between Peak and Off-Peak hours. 

    Time of Use charges are designed to encourage customers to switch non-essential consumption to periods when demand is lowest, at a cheaper price.

  • Demand charge - Demand charges are calculated over a one-month period. They are applied for demand recorded at a connection point in $/kVA/month or $/kW/month.

    These charges are applied to the maximum half-hourly kW (or kVA for large customers) power reading registered at a connection point.

How are electricity customers assigned a network tariff?

Each customer is assigned a network tariff based on a number of variables which include:

·       Location: This determines which network a customer is on.

·       Customer/User type: Residential, Small business (SME), Large business (C&I).

·       Voltage: High (HV) or Low (LV)

·       Annual usage: Volume of electricity (kWh) that needs to be transported.

·       Peak demand: The maximum capacity that the network will need to provide during a time period.

Because of the different variables, each network has up to 160 different network tariffs (at the extreme end) which is why the process of understanding what network tariff a particular site should be on can be complicated. And because of the complexity, we observe that many electricity customers are in fact on a more costly network tariff than they should be.

Network charges are reviewed on July 1st each year for all networks in all states in the National Electricity Market (NEM). Changes in network rates and charges can have a material impact on electricity bills




Why is electricity so much more expensive in some states than others?

Differences in power bills are due to a range of factors that take place before I get energy bill in the mail, including:

  • Generation costs. Renewable energy sources like wind and solar tend to have lower running costs; however, they often can't cover demand on their own. This means many states use more expensive coal and gas plants to meet energy needs. In South Australia in particular, there's a heavy dependence on wind power followed by gas, which is more expensive than black or brown coal.

  • Network costs. Each distributor is responsible for maintaining the poles and wires to keep a constant supply of power to homes and businesses. Network charges can account for up to half of your energy bill.

  • Retail mark-ups. To make money, retailers set their own mark-up on energy plans (in line with regulations).


Electricity prices should change around once a year.


Each year on 1 July the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) and other state regulators set new reference prices or electricity pricing orders that determine the maximum energy price they consider to be "fair" for consumers.


The AER regulates states that are part of the National Electricity Market (NEM) which includes New South Wales, South-East Queensland, Tasmania, Australian Capital Territory and South Australia. All other regions are regulated by their own state bodies. Most energy retailers change their power prices roughly around the same time, and usually after 1 July. Though depending on the provider, they may stagger the change between July and September.


The origin of the electricity that consumers purchase varies. Some electric utilities generate all the electricity they sell using just the power plants they own. Other utilities purchase electricity from other utilities, power marketers, and independent power producers or from a wholesale market organized by a regional transmission reliability organization. Power plants generate the electricity that is delivered to customers through transmission and distribution power lines. High-voltage transmission lines, such as those that hang between tall metal towers, carry electricity over long distances. Higher voltage electricity is more efficient and less expensive for long-distance electricity transmission. Lower voltage electricity is safer for use in homes and businesses. Transformers at substations increase (step up) or reduce (step down) voltages to adjust to the different stages of the journey from the power plant on long-distance transmission lines to distribution lines that carry electricity to homes and businesses.

Electric utilities transmit power from the power plant most efficiently at very high voltages. power companies provide electricity to medium or large buildings at 13,800 volts (13.8kV). For small commercial buildings or residential customers, power companies lower the voltage with a transformer on a power pole or mounted on the ground. From there, the electricity is fed through a meter and into the building.


·       Minimizing costs and maximizing availability by forecasting energy supply and demand

·       Adjusting prices based on current market conditions

·       Managing delivery or receipt of wholesale power or retail load scheduling

·       Purchasing or selling energy or energy derivatives for their clients

·       Analysing client utility bills and utility rate structures to find optimal rate structures

·       Answering client questions regarding commercial electricity and energy sales procedures, energy markets, or alternative energy sources

·       Working with energy buyers and sellers to coordinate energy transactions

·       Developing and delivering energy sale proposals


Solar energy, harnessed from the sun’s abundant and renewable power, presents a transformative approach to sustainable construction. By integrating solar technologies into building design and construction processes, we can significantly reduce energy consumption, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and create buildings that contribute positively to the environment.

1. Solar Panels (Photovoltaic Cells):

Photovoltaic (PV) cells, commonly known as solar panels, are perhaps the most recognizable solar technology. These panels convert sunlight into electricity, making them ideal for both residential and commercial buildings. Solar panels can be integrated into building materials such as roofs and facades or installed as standalone systems. Here’s how it works:

  • Light Absorption: Solar panels are constructed using semiconductor materials, typically silicon-based. When sunlight strikes the surface of these panels, it excites electrons in the semiconductor material. This excitement generates a flow of electrical current.

  • Electron Movement: The excited electrons are induced to move within the material, creating an electric current. This current is captured by conductive materials within the solar panel.

  • Electricity Generation: The captured electric current is then converted into usable electricity. In most cases, this electricity is in direct current (DC) form, which is later converted into alternating current (AC) using inverters for use in residential and commercial electrical systems.


Solar Thermal Systems:

Solar thermal systems use sunlight to generate heat energy. They are particularly useful for heating water and providing space heating and cooling. Solar thermal collectors can be integrated into building designs to meet various energy needs. Solar thermal systems consist of several key components:

  • Solar Collectors: These are the primary components that capture solar radiation and convert it into heat. Solar collectors come in various forms, including flat-plate collectors, evacuated tube collectors, and concentrating collectors. These collectors are typically placed on building rooftops, walls, or other areas with good sun exposure.

  • Heat Transfer Fluid: A heat transfer fluid, such as water or a specialised heat transfer fluid, circulates through the solar collectors. As it absorbs heat from the collectors, it becomes hot and is then used to transfer the thermal energy to the building’s heating and cooling systems.

  • Heat Storage System: To ensure a continuous supply of heat, solar thermal systems often incorporate a heat storage system, such as a hot water tank or thermal storage tank. This allows excess heat generated during sunny periods to be stored for later use, even during cloudy days or at night.

  • Distribution System: Solar thermal systems are integrated into the building’s heating and cooling distribution infrastructure, which can include radiators, underfloor heating, and HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems. The thermal energy is distributed to the various parts of the building as needed.

Smart Building Technologies:

Smart building technologies enable the efficient management and utilisation of solar energy. These systems include energy management systems (EMS), automated shading, and energy-efficient lighting, among others. They optimise energy consumption and distribution within buildings.

Solar energy is a clean and renewable source of power, producing no direct emissions or pollutants. By relying on solar power, buildings significantly reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to mitigating climate change. Solar-integrated buildings, equipped with photovoltaic (PV) solar panels, possess a transformative capability to generate their electricity. This shift from complete dependence on grid power to self-generation through solar energy has profound financial implications that benefit both building owners and occupants.

One of the most immediate financial benefits of solar-integrated buildings is the significant reduction in energy bills. Solar panels harness sunlight and convert it into electricity, effectively offsetting the need to purchase electricity from the grid. This reduction can be substantial, particularly in regions with ample sunlight and favourable net metering policies.

Net metering is a key mechanism that further enhances the financial sustainability of solar-integrated buildings. When the solar panels generate more electricity than the building consumes, the excess electricity is fed back into the grid. In many regions, building owners receive credits for this surplus electricity. These credits can offset future electricity bills when the building’s electricity consumption exceeds solar generation, essentially allowing for energy storage in the grid.

Solar-integrated buildings often have the capability to generate surplus energy, which can be stored or fed back into the grid. This energy independence provides resilience against power outages and grid disruptions. Solar-integrated buildings are perceived as more valuable in the real estate market. Potential buyers and tenants are attracted to energy-efficient and environmentally conscious properties, which can translate into higher property values and rental rates. Many governments around the world offer incentives, tax credits, and rebates for solar installations, making the transition to solar energy more financially feasible for building owners. Residential buildings are increasingly incorporating solar panels into their roofs or facades. Net-zero energy homes, which generate as much energy as they consume, are becoming more common, reducing homeowners’ energy bills to nearly zero. Some commercial buildings and large-scale projects are incorporating solar farms or skins – large arrays of solar panels integrated into the building’s structure. These systems provide ample energy to power the building’s operations and contribute excess energy to the grid. Innovative building envelopes, equipped with advanced insulation and energy-efficient materials, work in tandem with solar energy systems to create highly efficient and sustainable structures.

The initial cost of installing solar systems can be relatively high. However, the long-term savings and incentives often outweigh these upfront expenses. Integrating solar technologies into building designs requires careful consideration of aesthetics and functionality. Architects and designers must strike a balance between energy production and visual appeal. The efficiency of solar systems depends on factors like location, orientation, and available space. Not all buildings have the ideal conditions for maximising solar energy production. Regular maintenance is essential to ensure the optimal performance and longevity of solar systems. This includes cleaning panels, inspecting wiring, and addressing any technical issues promptly. To fully harness solar energy, efficient energy storage systems (such as batteries) may be necessary. These systems can add to the initial costs but provide energy independence and reliability.

The integration of solar energy in construction is not just a trend; it is a fundamental shift towards creating energy-efficient, environmentally responsible buildings. Solar technologies are evolving rapidly, offering innovative solutions for both residential and commercial buildings. As the urgency to combat climate change and reduce energy consumption grows, the adoption of solar-integrated construction practices will become increasingly imperative.

By embracing solar energy integration and investing in energy-efficient designs, we can collectively reduce our carbon footprint, lower energy costs, and create a built environment that aligns with our global sustainability goals. Ultimately, the road towards energy-efficient buildings is paved with solar solutions, leading us towards a more sustainable and resilient future.

  • By installing solar energy solutions, the client can generate their own electricity, reducing reliance on grid power

  • Solar power is a renewable resource, meaning once the initial investment is made, the energy generated is essentially free, leading to long-term cost savings

  • Through net metering or feed-in tariffs, excess electricity generated can be sold back to the grid, further offsetting energy costs

o   Solar energy is a clean, renewable energy source that produces no greenhouse gas emissions during operation


o   By switching to solar power, the client can significantly reduce their reliance on fossil fuels for electricity generation, thus lowering their carbon footprint


o   This aligns with environmental sustainability goals and demonstrates a commitment to combating climate change


o   Embracing solar energy solutions showcases the client's commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship

o   Buildings with integrated solar energy systems have higher property values due to reduced operating costs and potential revenue generation from excess energy sales

o   Solar-equipped properties are attractive to tenants seeking energy-efficient, sustainable spaces, leading to higher occupancy rates and rental premiums

o   The marketability of the property is enhanced, as it aligns with growing consumer preferences for eco-friendly and energy-efficient buildings


Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation or approximation of human intelligence in machines. The goals of artificial intelligence include computer-enhanced learning, reasoning, and perception. AI is being used today across different industries from finance to healthcare.

Weak AI is simple and single-task oriented, while strong AI carries on tasks that are more complex and human-like.

AI’s influence on technology is due in part because of how it impacts computing. Through AI, computers have the ability to harness massive amounts of data and use their learned intelligence to make optimal decisions and discoveries in fractions of the time that it would take humans.

AI has been used to help sequence RNA for vaccines and model human speech, technologies that rely on model- and algorithm-based machine learning and increasingly focus on perception, reasoning and generalization.

There’s virtually no major industry that modern AI — more specifically, “narrow AI,” which performs objective functions using data-trained models and often falls into the categories of deep learning or machine learning — hasn’t already affected.

With companies spending billions of dollars on AI products and services annually, tech giants like Google, Apple, Microsoft and Amazon spending billions to create those products and services, universities making AI a more prominent part of their courses.

Cybersecurity refers to any technology, measure or practice for preventing cyberattacks or mitigating their impact. Cybersecurity aims to protect individuals’ and organizations’ systems, applications, computing devices, sensitive data and financial assets against simple and annoying computer viruses, sophisticated and costly ransomware attacks, and everything in between.

Phishing is the practice of sending fraudulent emails that resemble emails from reputable sources. The aim is to steal sensitive data like credit card numbers and login information. It’s the most common type of cyber attack.

Social engineering is a tactic that adversaries use to trick user into revealing sensitive information. They can solicit a monetary payment or gain access to user confidential data. Social engineering can be combined with any of the threats listed above to make user more likely to click on links, download malware, or trust a malicious source.

Ransomware is a type of malicious software. It is designed to extort money by blocking access to files or the computer system until the ransom is paid. Paying the ransom does not guarantee that the files will be recovered or the system restored.

Malware is a type of software designed to gain unauthorized access or to cause damage to a computer. Critical infrastructure security protects the computer systems, applications, networks, data and digital assets that a society depends on for national security, economic health and public safety. Network security prevents unauthorized access to network resources, and detects and stops cyberattacks and network security breaches.

Endpoints—servers, desktops, laptops, mobile devices—remain the primary entry point for cyberattacks. Endpoint security protects these devices and their users against attacks, and also protects the network against adversaries who leverage endpoints to launch attacks.

Application security protects applications running on-premises and in the cloud, preventing unauthorized access to and use of applications and related data, and preventing flaws or vulnerabilities in application design that hackers can use to infiltrate the network.

Cloud security secures an organization’s cloud-based services and assets—applications, data, storage, development tools, virtual servers and cloud infrastructure. Information security pertains to protection of all an organization’s important information—digital files and data, paper documents, physical media, even human speech—against unauthorized access, disclosure, use or alteration. Mobile security encompasses a number of disciplines and technologies specific to smartphones and mobile devices, including mobile application management and enterprise mobility management.



Nov 1, 2024

62 min read





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